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As Per Is 1209 : 1978

This flash point and fire-point test method is a dynamic method and depends on definite rates of temperature increases to control the precision of the method. Its primary use is for viscous materials having a flash point between 79 deg C (175 deg F) and 400 deg C (752 deg F) except fuel oils, to define the hazards of flammable and combustible materials used in shipping and safety regulations. The temperature of the approximately 70 ml test specimen is increased rapidly at first and then at a slower constant rate as the flash point is approached. At specified intervals a test flame is passed across the cup, to measure the tendency of the test specimen to form a flammable mixture with air under controlled laboratory conditions.

Scope :-
The flash point is the lowest liquid temperature at which application of the flame causes the vapors of the test specimen of the sample to ignite. To determine the fire-point, the test is continued until the application of the test flame causes the test specimen to ignite and sustain burning for a minimum of 5s.

It is an automatic flash and fire-point tester used to examine liquid as well as highly viscous samples in the same instrument without any additional equipment. For substances with unknown flash points, the APPARATUS has a special search mode program. During the entire heating period, the test flame is moved across the sample at suitable intervals. The expected flash point of a specimen can thereby be found in a time saving and economical manner.

Optional On demand :-
When examining highly viscous specimens, a preheating time and temperature are set in order to warm-up and liquefy the sample to inserted temperature probe without problem. Further a skimmer is removing the surface skin from bituminous samples.
Standard Cup with handle, made of brass
Temperature Probe Pt-100 for sample temperature
Electric Gas Igniter with connector cable and plugs
Flame Detection Unit for the detection of flash - and fire-points Flame
Arrest Cover for extinguishing the fire in the cup



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